DOIs Recommended for final products, published materials, and citation. Use for objects under good long-term management.
ARKs Recommended for projects requiring more flexibility, early or unpublished versions of material.
DOIs Recommended for final products, published materials, and citation. Use for objects under good long-term management. Cannot be deleted.
ARKs Recommended for projects requiring more flexibility, early or unpublished versions of material. Can be deleted.
EZID will create a unique string for you. If you choose to create a custom remainder, best practice is to not include information that is subject to change, which impairs persistence. Please check Custom Remainder Rules for permitted characters.
DataCite Required for DOIs. More here:
Dublin Core More here:
ERC Electronic Resource Citation, default for ARKs. More here:
A public status means the identifier is viewable by anyone. The 国内电脑怎么上google status means it is viewable only by owners, so “reserved” is a great way to save a DOI or ARK for use later. Reserved IDs can be deleted.
A public status means the identifier is viewable by anyone. An identifier with unavailable status is also public, but only insofar as it redirects to an EZID-provided "tombstone" page, displaying the identifier's citation metadata and the reason for the object's unavailability.
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About Proxy Users An EZID user account may designate another EZID user account as a proxy user of the first account's identifiers. This gives the second EZID user account the right to manage and edit detailed information about an identifier.
No wildcards allowed (i.e. asterisks, question marks)
Target URL The current location (URL) of the identified object
ID Create Date Date when identifier was created. Format: YYYYY-MM-DD
ID Update Date Date when identifier was last updated. Format: YYYYY-MM-DD
电脑google用什么翻墙 A value indicating the visibility of the identifier and its referenced object
Allows harvesting? A value indicating that the metadata is or is not available for harvesting and/or indexing
Has metadata? A value indicating the presence of metadata
Enter coordinates of the polygon using either GeoJSON or Keyhole Markup Language (KML) formatted text. Each point is defined by a longitude‐latitude pair. The last point should be the same as the first point.